Monday, November 5, 2012

Tommy Lasorda Drama

I was going to due this earlier, but got tied up.  As you are aware the Lasorda Division is the tightest in the ABL.  Three weeks after the last post the situation is still similar.  New York leads Nottinghamshire and Dallas by just 4 games, while Ann Arbor is 8 out.  But Ann Arbor has proven to still be in the hunt.

Right after the last post Ann Arbor won 13 straight games, 11 straight on the road.  This actually pulled them back into the race.  Unfortunately, they went home and lost 6 straight.  Back on the road and they are on a 4 game winning streak again.  Had they just split at home they would only be 5 back,  The significance is because they have the more matches left against New York, with 6, than any other division opponent, so in essence, they control their own destiny, if they can inch a bit closer.

There are 21 games left.  Dallas will have the hardest task because they play 16 of the 21 games on the road.  On the flip side New York, with a .600 winning percentage at home, will play 13 of the 21 at home, including the critical four game set with Nottinghamshire.

So give that New York starts with a 4 game lead and given that they will have more home games than anyone else, it appears to be a difficult challenge for the rest of the division to catch the Mafia.  Still I know the GMs at Ann Arbor, Dallas and Nottinghamshire are conceding nothing at the moment. 

Game On.

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