Friday, May 25, 2012

Nottinghamshire Best in the League

I know that sounds like a strange title, but Nottinghamshire is the best team in the Roberto Clemente League in one offensive statistic, and second in all the ABL. That statistic is stolen bases. The Outlaws have stolen 31 in the first 26 games and have been caught only 9 times. The New York Mafia is second with 22 and the Montreal Bandits third with 18.

So the top three teams in stolen bases in the RCL are the Outlaws, Mafia and Bandits. 

Maybe it is something with the team nickname.


  1. Love how the names are all crooks lol

  2. Hey, Bill. You know how the Outlaws visited Seattle to open the season. Well, we can't seem to find our gate receipts. Would you know anything about that?

  3. Well Martin we did want to thank you for the charitble donation to the Friends of Sherwood!

  4. After reading that title I knew the beer I was drinking today was that good!
